Thursday, 31 May 2012

What true love is about.

Grab on to love,
If it is true and kind.
If you know that he loves you,
for who are and not any physical reasons.
When you know,
he would be with you even when you are blind.
If he holds on to you proudly!
Claiming you to belong with him.

When he looks at you,
with a fire in his eyes.

When you know he cannot live a day without making you realize
how beautiful you are!
When he cannot live a day without talking to you.
Because my fellow girlfriends,
this is what true love is about.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Trust is build. Trust is made.
But once it is broken, sadness you face.
A pain of shattered hopes and lies of perfect expectation.
All of these breaks with trust.
Love or lust can never be enough if insecurities flare.
Trust is like an addictive game.
But once you lose, you never want to play it ever again.

-Tuesday, 29th May [8:29pm]

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Shout Out. Don't keep it to yourself.

Sometimes we keep things to ourselves.
We think people are not ready to listen to our problems.
We think they might laugh at us.
We think they might judge us.
We think they might mock us for the rest of our lives.
We think they are too caught up to listen to us.

But what we do not realize is that;
Keeping that secret sealed in our heart for the rest of our lives isn't going to solve any of the problems.
Instead it might create more problems for ourselves.
It might not at the moment. But in the future, someday, sometime.. you will realize that keeping the secret inside you was the worst mistake you would've ever made.

We will have to find someone:
Who understands us.
Who loves us for who we are.
Who listens to us.
Who is there for us.

I know sometimes it gets hard to trust just anyone.
You might've gotten hurt before and have a hard time trusting someone.
If that is the case then keep a dairy! Write a blog!
Work out. Do something you really love!
Someday or the other, you will eventually open up?

But the time period when you still have that ache in your heart because of the secrets your keeping to yourself.
Distract yourself from it...

I know many people just say things and it is hard to imply it in our daily life.. But no harm trying eh? :)
Cheers x

- Sunday, 27th May 2012 [8:14pm]

Friday, 25 May 2012

Your Sexy & You Should Know It.

The new size 2 is a size 0.
The new size 6 is a size 14.

How does it even matter what size we are physically?
What counts is the size of your heart.
If you really are beautiful; 
you do not need any make up. 
you do not need people to tell you that your pretty everyday of your life. 
you do not need people to appreciate your face. 
you do not need attention from people. 
you do not need people judging you by your clothe size. 

you just are beautiful and people see it.
people love to be around you and trust you.
you make people laugh in the worst of times.
you always try and make people smile.
you cannot stand anyone upset.
you sacrifice your happiness for theirs.

that's what makes you beautiful.
not what you wear. not what you eat. not what brand of make up you use. not the amount of money you spend on yourself.

a size 22 is way beautiful then a size 2.
dont let peoples decision change yourself!
be who you are and let people notice the beauty within you.

-Saturday, 26th May 2012 [11:09am]

Thursday, 24 May 2012


I am a disappointment in myself.
Never really achieved the thing I wanted.
Never really achieved what they wanted from me.
Disgraced, Discriminated and Discouraged.
Will I live up to your expectation?
The fear to lose someone's trust.
The agony of breaking relationships.
I am not perfect like everyone else is.
I am a little slow with things like this.
I need time and I need space.
Please let me sleep?
Please let me breathe?
I want my last breaths to be filled with peace.

-Friday, 25th May 2012 [1:07pm]

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Sometimes Life Brings Us Down.

Sometimes life brings us down a path which gets complicated.
We are not in our senses and are not aware about whats right and whats wrong. Life takes a wrong turn and we start degrading..
Down the cliff! We hit the bottom ground so hard that we wake up and realize our mistakes.
We then get motivated to change and start working hard to climb out of the cliff again. But, it suddenly hits our mind that nobody is acknowledging this change...
Demotivation steps in and causes a silent slip back into the dark and gloomy cliff. This cycle is never ending!
We let it continue and never reach the top of the cliff which is bright and beautiful. If we had successfully climbed the cliff and kept our self-confidence and hard-work, we would've been enjoying the sun and lemonade.
We would've been acknowledged and glorified on our success. We would've left a footprint and set a path for people to follow.
But! Unfortunately, it would've only been possible if we had looked on the bright side and climbed the cliff without giving up; we would've climbed the ladder of success.
Where we actually belong!

-Wednesday, 23rd May 2012 [5:44pm]

Monday, 21 May 2012

What We Are Made Of.

Raises head with high hope, to touch the sky.
Wakes up every morning, to brighten a smile.
Cries for help and screams at joy.
But when things get better, gives in a sly.
A care for pure heart, A hinch of love;
A destiny awaits you in your life.
Nobody has to give in, just follow the path.
It may lead you to the virtual world but you look for happiness.
Work hard, achieve what you want.
Chuck negativity out of your life.
Face reality with a brave heart and that is how you gain a heart.
At the end, nothing matters.
When you live life, live it to the fullest.
As you may leave this all behind.
Do what you do best, but do it with a smile.

-Monday, 21st May 2012 [8:54 pm]