Sunday, 10 June 2012

Goal Of Life Is Like A Kite.

I was just looking out of my room; then suddenly my eyes rested on this little boy who was flying a kite. The boy was so patient and observant.
His mother called out to him but he was just focussed on successfully flying the kite. Due to the amount of concentration, the kite was still soaring high in the sky!
Beautifully flying through the wind, going with the flow...gradually floating up and suddenly flowing back down. But every time it fell down; he continued to concentrate and still had the confidence in him that his kite will fly higher than the others.

Pondering on this wonderful scene; it crossed my mind that our goals in life is like that kite. It flows and floats in the direction we want it to flow. Sometimes we soar high up and raise our head up with pride and sometimes we fall flat low and are in no competition to others!
But due to our self-esteem, self-confidence and will power, we can actually make our kites flow right back at the top where it belongs.

To maintain that height, we need confidence. Not OVER CONFIDENCE, mind you. Just confidence, patience, concentration and motivation which will no matter what continue to guide us to reach and fulfill our goals!

-Monday, 11th June 2012 [11:56am]

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